Elder Robert D. Hales: Seeking to Know God, Our Heavenly Father, and His Son Jesus Christ

Part of Elder Hales' talk was about all the things we know about God that are from the scriptures (modern and ancient):

  • Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, have a physical presence (Acts 7:56)
  • The Father and the Son have voices (Moses 4:14 and Genesis 3:8)
  • The Father and the Son have faces, They stand, and They converse (Moses 7:4)
  • God and His Son have bodies, in form and parts like ours (Ether 3:6 & 3:16)
  • The Father and the Son have feelings for us (Moses 7:28)
  • God and His Son, Jesus Christ, are immortal, glorified, and perfected beings (D&C 110:3)
Towards the end of his talk, Elder Hales reminds us of the importance of "knowing God."

The strength and peace that come from knowing God and having the comforting companionship of His Spirit will make your efforts eternally worthwhile.


  1. "The light of belief is within you, waiting to be awakened and intensified by the Spirit of God and the Light of Christ, which you are born with....The still, small propmtings of the Spirit- the thoughts and feelings that the Holy Ghost brings into our minds and hearts- will give us an undeniable knowledge that He lives and that He loves us." The feelings in my heart tell me that this is true. My mind and heart know that He lives and that He loves each one of us.

  2. "Without God, life would end at the grave & our mortal experiences would have no purpose." I get an over-whelming feeling (peaceful, yet anxious for those not of our faith), whenever I think about the plan of salvation & how true it is. This is why we are here! I put this as my facebook status after reading this talk/pondering this: We have purpose on this earth-not just random humans doing random things. We lived in heaven before we were born & will live there again after we die.
    Our purpose: to learn & grow, overcocme trials & weakness, natural man & to endure to the end.
    Elder Hales also gives a wonderful description/testimony of how God & Jesus Christ are two distinct persons & of their nature. Elder Hales gives us an order of gaining a testimony:
    1. cultivate a diligent desire to know
    2. ponder-let evidence touch our hearts
    3. softened heart
    4. search scriptures (learn humbly from them)
    5. ask Heavenly Father if they are true
    6. we will have a spiritual confermation
    -"the thoughts & feelings that the Holy Ghost brings into our midns & hearts." "Gaining this knowledge is ultimately the quest of all God's children on the earth."


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