Priesthood Responsibilities - Elder Claudio R. M. Costa sat phd



  1. Okay, The first part that I liked was when Elder Costa quoted President Hinckley saying,"Each of us has a fourfold responsibility. First, we have a responsibility to our families. Second, we have a responsibility to our employers. Third, we have a responsibility to our Lord's work. Fourth, we have a responsibility to ourselves." I also liked when he quoted President Hinckley when he says, "It is imperative to neglect your families. Nothing you have is more special." I thought about how thankfull I am to be growing up in the church with a great family that loves me

  2. Taylor, I think you better check your quote by President Hinckley. I think you copied it wrong.
    1. Families
    Don't do activities that interfer with family home evening.
    2. Work
    3. The Lord
    4. Ourselves
    Shouldn't we put the Lord before work? (what do you guys think he means?)
    Elder Nelson on why FHE, family scripture study and prayer are important: "Ours is the responsibility to prepare our children to receive the ordinances of salvation and exaltation." (Do sports do that?;) "Prepare them (your sons) both spiritual and temporally, to look and to act as servants of the Lord." We can teach our kids through FHE, scripture study and prayer- building a foundation for themselves and their families. It's a shield against the world around them. A safe haven.


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