Get On with Our Lives - Elder Steven E. Snow sun am


1 comment:

  1. "How can we best prepare for the changes we must inevitably face as we progress through life?"
    1. Follow the prophets- "They raise a voice of warning (and) provide steady, pragmatic counsel to help us weather the storms of life."
    2. Keep an eternal perspective- "change and challenges are part of God's plan."
    3. Have faith- we won't go through challenges alone. We have our Savior to turn to. (ie. footprints poem)
    4. be of good cheer-laugh when you want to cry. (see Elder Haight's talk "Come what may and love it.") We need to keep moving forward and progressing and not looking back or remaining stagnant. Learn from the past, live for the present, and plan for the future.


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