President Henry B. Eyring: Act in All Diligence

I speak to you tonight of diligence in the Lord's service. President Eyring opens with some observations on the new Duty to God booklet and how it will work.  ". . . the pattern from the new Duty to God booklet. It is to learn what the Lord expects of you, make a plan to do it, act on your plan with diligence, and then share with others how your experience changed you and blessed others.

You have seen such examples of great priest hood servants. Tonight, I will try to tell youabout what I have learned about them. It begins with their learning to know whose service they are in and for what purpose. When that goes down into their hearts, it makes all the difference.

In talking to the Aaronic Priesthood holders about passing the Sacrament he said, "As you remember Him, you will be determined to perform that sacred service, as nearly as you can, as well and faithfully as He did.

Then President Eyring started speaking to the Melchizedek Priesthood: "Like the Aaronic Priesthood, the Melchizadeck Priesthood is more than a trust to do what the Lord due. It is an invitation to become as He is.

There is a pattern by which all priesthood holders are lifted to that glorious blessing. One place in scripture where the Lord gives the patter for us is in the 107th section of the Doctrine and Covenants:

  • "Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence.
  • He that is slothful shall not be counted worth to stand, and he that learns not his duty and shows himself not approved shall not be counted worthy to stand. Even so. Amen (D&C 107: 99-100)
We are to learn our duty from the Lord, and then we are to act in all diligence, never being lazy or slothful. The pattern is simple but not easy to follow. We are so easily distracted. Studying the daily news can appear more interesting than the priesthood lesson manual. Sitting down to rest can be more attractive than making appointments to visit those who need our priesthood service. (He sure seems to be talking to me in this part!)
President Eyring shared an experience he had visiting a faithful priesthood holder who was undergoing painful medical treatments that were not curing him. After visiting, they concluded with a priesthood blessing. The man was anointed with "oil consecrated by the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood." President Eyring then said, "As I sealed the blessing, I was taught by the Holy Ghost at least part of what the Lord had already done for this faithful priesthood holder. he was clean, his sins washed away. His nature had been changed to want what the Savior wanted. He had no fear of death. The desire of his heart was to live to give service to his family and to others of Heavenly Father's children who needed him.

The talk concluded with this counsel to priesthood holders (I put it in bullet form so that each bit of counsel stands out):

  • Ponder deeply and diligently in the scriptures and in the words of living prophets.
  • Persist in prayer for the Holy Ghost to reveal to you the nature of God the Father and His Beloved Son.
  • Plead that the Spirit will show you what the Lord wants you to do.
  • Plan to do it.
  • Promise Him to obey.
  • Act with determination until you have done what He asked.
  • And then pray to give thanks for the opportunity to serve and to know what you might do next.
I leave my blessing that you may come to feel by the Spirit the magnitude of the trust and promises that you have received as ordained priesthood servants in the Lord's true Church.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me to step it up, after all I am not an old man: "When I find myself drawn away from my priesthood duties by other interests & when my body begs for rest, I give to myself this rallying cry: 'Remember Him.'" Elder Eyring's cousel: "Ponder deeply & diligently in the scriptures (need to work on) & in the words of living prophets (check!). Persist in prayer for the Holy Ghost to reveal to you the nature of God the Father & His Beloved Son. Plead that the Spirit will show you what the Lord wants you to do. Plan to do it. Promise Him to obey. Act with determination until you have done what He asked. And then pray to give thanks for the opportunity to serve & to know what you might do next." Thses are important things to remember to do & should review them often.


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