A very good talk on trials and tests.
Each of us will face trials and tests, . . . it is how we react to those difficulties that will determine our success and happiness. Each of us will face adversity no matter where we are. We are taught in the scriptures that there "must needs be . . . an opposition in all things." We will each face times of difficulty, and the question is not when we will face them but how we will face them.
Our Heavenly Father who loves us completely and perfectly, permits us to have experiences that will allow us to develop the traits and attributes we need to become more Christlike. Our trials come in many forms, but each will allow us to become more like the Savior as we learn to recognize the good that comes from each experience. As we understand this doctrine, we gain greater assurance of our Father's love. We may never know in this life why we face what we do, but we can feel confident that we can grow from the experience.
The challenge is to gain that eternal perspective while we are going through our tests. To some, our trials may not seem great, but to each of us who are passing through these experiences, the trials are real and require us to humble ourselves before God and learn from Him.
Elder Martino the talks about five things that we can learn from those last hours of the Savior's life on earth that can help us to face our own trials.
First, He sought not to do His will but only the will of His Father. I ask a question to you mothers: "Would you ever do something that would cause pain and bring tears to your children when they have done nothing wrong?" Of course you would! When mothers take young children to the doctor to receive immunizations, almost every child leaves the doctor's office in tears. Why do you do that? Because you know that a small amount of pain now will protect them from possible pain and suffering in the future. Our Father in Heaven knows the end from the beginning. We need to follow the example of the Savior and trust in Him.
Second, when we are faced with trials, we must learn to not complain or murmur. We must always attempt to correct the problem and overcome the trial, but instead of asking "Why me?" or "What did I do to deserve this?" maybe the question should be "What am I to do? What can I learn from this experience? What am I to change?" This is excellent advice and counsel.
Third, when we face our challenges, we must seek greater help from God. We must remember that often the answers from our Heavenly Father do not remove the trial from us, but instead He helps strengthen us as we pass through the experience. (Another excellent point.) In our trials, let us not become bitter or uncommitted, but let us follow the Savior's example of becoming more earnest, more sincere, and more faithful.
Fourth, learn to serve and think of others even in our times of trial. President Monson stated, "I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish - and in effect save their lives."
Fifth, forgive others and do not seek to pass the blame of our situation to them. There is a tendency for the natural man to pass blame to someone else so as not to be accountable for his or her actions.
As we pass through the trials of life, let us keep an eternal perspective, let us not complain, let us become ever more prayerful, let us serve others, and let us forgive one another. (Good summary)
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"Our Heavenly Father, who loves us completely & perfectly, permits us to have experiences that will allow us to develop the traits & attributes we need to be come more & more Christ-like. Our trials come in many forms, but each will allow us to become more like the Savior as we learn to recognize the good that comes from each experience. As we understand this doctrine, we gain greater assurance of our Father's love. We may never know in this life why we face what we do, but we can feel confident that we can grow from the experience." This is so important to remember because trials will & do come. I should make a list of quotes like this to read while going through trials.