Elder Francisco J. Vinas: Things Pertaining to Righteousness

As a member of the Caribbean Area Presidency, I was a personal witness to the faithful Saints who replaced fear with faith. Lessons learned in Haiti may be likened to Book of Mormon illustrations. Elder Vinas didn't spend much time talking about Haiti, but gave excellent counsel.

As parents and leaders we need to watch over our members and families, helping them to stay away from those things that could lead them to spiritual death.

Just as in the times of Alma, our leaders also watch over the members of the Church and nourish them with things pertaining to righteousness. [This seems to be a key; not to just avoid evil, but also to strengthen and nourish oneself with "things pertaining to righteousness."]  Those things will help us to achieve an enduring conversion.  In the document "Leadership Training Emphasis," revised December 10, 2009, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve ask that both priesthood and auxiliary leaders "encourage each family member, parents and children, to study the scriptures, pray regularly, and live the gospel of Jesus Christ."

In order to more effectively teach the things pertaining to righteousness, it is important to understand that, in addition to imparting information, we must facilitate revelation. This way, the person being taught can feel the desire to know these principles for himself or herself.

1 comment:

  1. "Teaching our members & families about the things pertaining to righteousness is essential in the process of achieving an enduring conversion since it can lead them to obtain a correct knowledge of the Lord's commandments, the principles & doctrines of the gospel, and the requirements & ordinances with which we must comply in order to achieve salvation in the Lord's kingdom." We need to encourage our children to find their own testimonies. Provide experiences & remind them of those experiences & the feelings they felt.


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