RS President Henry B. Eyring: The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society

The history of Relief Society is recorded in words and numbers, but the heritage is passed heart to heart.

This is a great sub-title for President Eyring talk. It says a lot just by itself. He said he is going to talk about charity and the role it has played in the history of the Relief Society. I like the following description of the early sisters in the church as they moved and moved, having very little for themselves, they still gave:

The history of the Relief Society is filled with accounts of such remarkable selfless service. In the terrible days of persecution and deprivation as the faithful moved from Ohio to Missouri to Illinois and then across the deserts going west, the sisters in their poverty and sorrows cared for others

He then relates, through the circumstances and desires of those sisters, what we could (and should) be:

They were from many lands and peoples, as you are today. But they were of one heart, one mind, and with one intention. They were determined to help the Lord build His Zion, where there could be the happy existence the Book of Mormon had described so vividly for them. You remember some of the scenes from 4 Nephi which they carried in their hearts wherever the Lord led them on the journey to Zion:

He also talked about Visiting Teaching and how it provides the localized support for members.

This next section is a good description of the relationship between the bishop and the relief society president:

The members of Relief Society have always been trusted by local priesthood shepherds. Every bishop and every branch president has a Relief Society president to depend upon. She has visiting teachers, who know the trials and the needs of every sister. She can, through them, know the hearts of individuals and families. She can meet needs and help the bishop in his call to nurture individuals and families.

This was a very good talk that home teachers should read and apply as they feel impressed.

1 comment:

  1. We learn alot from our pioneer relief society sisters. They "set 'charity never faileth' at the center."
    "They were of one heart, one mind & with one intention. They were determined to help the Lord build His Zion." President Eyring taught as we pass charity on. We are passing the heritage of Relief Society on. Charity is the pure love of Christ. When we are intune with the Spirit, we will know how to best help those around us.


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